BLUE RIBBON FUN: September 27 - October 5, 2024
The Robeson County Fair
We are excited to share with you are new vision and mission statements. Please note this volunteer board is committed to fufilling this vision and mission for our 2024 fair and beyond.
Vision: “Remembering the Past While Nurturing Future Generations”
The Fair Board is proud to celebrate our 78th Annual County Fair. The Board is committed to providing a venue where people can
exhibit agricultural items of all types and to educate the public while fostering the development of our youth.
Featured events such as 4-H youth activities and events, youth livestock and animal shows, vendors, home exhibits, local
entertainment, food vendors and Big Rock Amusements will occur daily. Other free featured attractions include Lew-E's Clown Circus,
a petting zoo, and law enforcement static display.
Mission: To foster partnerships and coordinate resources to provide the best Fair within the area.